Stop The Loop empowers individuals to step out beyond the screen, outside their own minds, and to explore the world around them to embrace a happier, healthier life. We provide tools and resources designed to address various mental health concerns, all conveniently available in one place.

My name is Tamar.

I created Stop the Loop because I wanted to offer something that could help others break free from toxic digital cycles. So, I designed some mental health products that serve as daily reminders that you're not alone and that you have the power to change your habits.

I've experienced firsthand how much of a difference it can make when you have people who understand what you're going through. So to me, this is more of a movement than a company. I aim to foster a community of people ready to break the cycle and live more intentionally. So, whether you're looking for a comfy hoodie to wrap yourself in on tough days or a stress carrot to let out your negative energy, I've got you covered. I'm here to help you STOP THE LOOP!

Thanks for being a part of this journey with me!




According to a study approved by the Ethics Committee in National Agency for Strategic Research in Medical Education (NASR)*, negative effects of social media include:

Poor sleep quality
Poor mental health indicators
Thoughts of self-harm and suicide
Increased levels of psychological distress
Body image dissatisfaction
Fear of missing out
Decreased life satisfaction

*Citation: Sadagheyani, H.E. and Tatari, F. (2021), "Investigating the role of social media on mental health", Mental Health and Social Inclusion, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 41-51.

Social media has been associated with various negative impacts on mental health. The constant exposure to carefully curated highlight reels of others' lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy, comparison, and low self-esteem. Additionally, the pressure to maintain a polished online persona can result in increased anxiety and stress. The addictive nature of social media, characterized by endless scrolling and notifications, can disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Furthermore, exposure to cyberbullying, misinformation, and unrealistic beauty standards can have detrimental effects on mental well-being.

Stop The Loop understands the harmful effects of excessive social media usage on mental health and aims to provide a solution. By offering tools and resources to promote digital well-being, Stop The Loop empowers individuals to take control of their online interactions and set healthy boundaries. Through educational content, personalized tips, and support communities, Stop The Loop encourages users to cultivate a more mindful and balanced relationship with social media. By fostering self-awareness and promoting positive online habits, we strive to mitigate the negative impact of social media on mental health and promote a more positive and fulfilling digital experience.


Excessive phone use, especially on social media, is a major cause of poor mental health in today's fast-paced digital world. Constantly seeing others' perfect lives and seeking validation online can make us feel inadequate, anxious, and lonely.

By using our phones less and distancing ourselves from social media, we can take back our mental well-being. Disconnecting from the virtual world lets us reconnect with ourselves, build real relationships, and do meaningful things. This helps us feel better about ourselves, be more productive, and live a happier life.